2012 coupling Man With Cinema Camera №1268-1269

2012 coupling Man With Cinema Camera №1268-1269
24 uah.

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Name: Coupling man with a movie camera
Quality: Pure stamp (MNH)
Type: Coupling
Divary: №1268-1269
Michel: №1311-1312

Coupling man with a movie camera

Series: Movie "Man with a Camera".
Catalog Code: MI: UA 1311-1312, SN: UA 908
Topics: Movies | Cameras
Release Date: 2012-12-29
Size: 66 x 30 mm
Color: Multicolor
Format: Coupling
Edition: Memorable (Jubilee)
Perforation: Greats132
Print: Offset
Nominal value: 4 ₴ - Ukrainian hryvnia
Circulation: 109 000