1948 series of stamps Definitive issue - MNH №1158-1165

1948 series of stamps Definitive issue - MNH №1158-1165

Series of stamps Definitive issue MNH

Catalog Code: Mi:SU 1203-1207, 1209-1211 Zag:SU 1158-1165
Topics: Miners
Release Date: 1948-05-22
Size: 18.5 x 26 mm
Color: grey black
Designers: Vasily Zavyalov
Format: Stamp
Edition: Standard
Perforation: linear12½
Printing: Photogravure
Nominal value: 5 penny. 10 penny. 15 penny. 20 penny. 30 penny. 45 penny. 50 penny. 60 penny.