1949 series of stamps State forest protection belts and forest plantations - Used №1351-1356

1949 series of stamps State forest protection belts and forest plantations - Used №1351-1356

Series of stamps State forest protection belts and forest plantations Used

Catalog Code: Mi:SU 1385-1390, Zag:SU 1351-1356
Topics: Trees | The woods | Proverbs and slogans | Agriculture | Agreecultural machines. Agreecultural equipment
Release Date: 1949-10-18
Color: green
Designers: Vasily Zavyalov
Format: Stamp
Edition: Memorable (Jubilee)
Perforation: linear12½
Printing: Photogravure
Nominal value: 25 penny. 40 penny. 50 penny. 1 rub. 2 rub.
Circulation: 500 000