1957 blocks 40 years of the October Socialist Revolution - MNH №Block 24-25
1095 uah.
Quality: Pure stamp (MNH)
Type: Postal block
Article: №БЛ 24-25
Michel: №BL 21-22
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Name: Blocks 40 years of the October Socialist Revolution MNHQuality: Pure stamp (MNH)
Type: Postal block
Article: №БЛ 24-25
Michel: №BL 21-22
Blocks 40 years of the October Socialist Revolution MNH
Series: 40th Anniversary of Great October Revolution (4th Issue)Catalog Code: Mi:SU BL21-22, Zag:SU BL24-25
Topics: Anniversaries and anniversaries | Cityscapes | Ships | Revolution
Release Date: 1957-11-04
Size: 145 x 100 mm
Color: Multicolor
Designers: Goznak
Format: Souvenir block
Edition: Memorable (Jubilee)
Perforation: Without perforation
Printing: Printing house
Paper: Chalk surfaced
Nominal value: 5*40 Russian penny
Circulation: 100 000