1958 series of stamps IV Congress of the International Democratic Federation in Vienna (Austria) - MNH №2061-2062
58 uah.
Quality: Pure stamp (MNH)
Type: Postage stamp
Article: №2061-2062
Michel: №2080-2081
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Name: Series of stamps IV Congress of the International Democratic Federation in Vienna (Austria) MNHQuality: Pure stamp (MNH)
Type: Postage stamp
Article: №2061-2062
Michel: №2080-2081
Series of stamps IV Congress of the International Democratic Federation in Vienna (Austria) MNH
Series: 4th Congress of the International Women's FederationCatalog Code: Mi:SU 2080-2081, Zag:SU 2061-2062
Topics: Dove of peace | Earth | Conferences | Seals (emblems)
Release Date: 1958-05-06
Size: 26 x 37 mm
Color: blue | black
Designers: Alexander Zavyalov
Format: Stamp
Edition: Memorable (Jubilee)
Perforation: Grebenhawn12½ x 12
Printing: Offset
Nominal value: 40 penny. 60 penny.
Circulation: 2 000 000