1959 series of stamps Definitive issue - MNH №2226-2229

1959 series of stamps Definitive issue - MNH №2226-2229

Series of stamps Definitive issue MNH

Series: 9th issue of definitive postage stamps
Catalog Code: Mi:SU 2327-2328I, 2231, 2362 Zag:SU 2226-2229
Topics: Metalworking | Professions | Factories
Release Date: 1959-05
Size: 18 x 26 mm
Color: Red
Designers: B. Berezovsky
Format: Stamp
Edition: Standard
Perforation: Grebenhawn12 x 12½
Printing: Offset
Paper: normal
Nominal value: 20 penny. 25 penny. 60 penny. 60 penny.