1959 series of stamps XXI Congress of the CPSU - MNH №2184-2186

1959 series of stamps XXI Congress of the CPSU - MNH №2184-2186

Series of stamps XXI Congress of the CPSU MNH

Series: XXI Congress of the CPSU
Catalog Code: Mi:SU 2190-2192 Zag:SU 2184-2186
Topics: Famous people | Conferences | Men | Politicians | Political parties | Revolutionaries
Release Date: 1959-01-20
Size: 30 x 42 mm
Color: Multicolor
Designers: R. Zhitkov
Format: Stamp
Edition: Memorable (Jubilee)
Perforation: Grebenhawn12 x 12½
Printing: Offset
Nominal value: 40 penny, 60 penny, 1 rub
Circulation: 2 000 000