1982 stamp 150 years since the birth of Edward Man №5197
11 uah.
Quality: Pure stamp (MNH)
Type: Postage stamp
Zagorsky: №5197
Michel: №SU 5147
In stock
Name: Stamp 150 years since the birth of Edward ManQuality: Pure stamp (MNH)
Type: Postage stamp
Zagorsky: №5197
Michel: №SU 5147
Stamp 150 years since the birth of Edward Man
Series: Year of birthCatalog code: MI: SU 5147, SN: SU 5015, YT: SU 4880, SG: SU 5202, Zag: SU 5197
Topics: anniversary and anniversary | Famous people | Fine art | Men | Artists
Release Date: 1982-02-10
Size: 37 x 52 mm
Color: Multicolor
Format: stamp
Edition: Memorable (Jubilee)
Perforation: Greats12 x 12¼
Printing: Offset
Nominal value: 32 Russian penny
Circulation: 3 600 000