1964 series of stamps of victory of Soviet athletes at the IX Winter Olympics №2920-2921

1964 series of stamps of victory of Soviet athletes at the IX Winter Olympics №2920-2921

Series of stamps victory of Soviet athletes at the IX Winter Olympics

Series: Winter Olympics, 1964, Innsbruck (3rd edition)
Catalog code: MI: SU 2892-2893 Zag: SU 2920-2921
Topcies: Winter Sports | Olympic Games | Sport | Hockey on ice
Release date: 1964-03-09
Size: 40 x 28 mm
Color: Multicolor
Format: Stamp
Edition: Memorable (Jubilee)
Perforation: Greats11½
Printing: Photographs
Nominal value: 3.16 Russian penny
Circulation: 3 000 000