1966 block XXIII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union №BL 45

1966 block XXIII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union №BL 45

Block XXIII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Series: XXIII Congress CPSS
Catalog Code: MI: SU BL42, SN: SU 3188, YT: SU BF41, SG: SU MS3278, ZAG: SU BL45
Topcies: Conferences | Political Parties
Release Date: 1966-03-29
Date of expiration date: 1992-01-01
Size: 118 x 80 mm
Color: Multicolor
Format: Souvenir unit
Edition: Memorable (Jubilee)
Perforation: without perforation
Print: Typography with embossed
Nominal value: 50 Russian penny
Circulation: 1 000 000