1949 series of stamps 75 years of the Universal Postal Union - Used №1347-1348

1949 series of stamps 75 years of the Universal Postal Union - Used №1347-1348

Series of stamps 75 years of the Universal Postal Union Used

Series: 75th Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union (U.P.U)
Catalog Code: Mi:SU 1383-1384 A, Zag:SU 1347-1348
Topics: Universal Postal Union (U.P.U.) | Earth | Organizations | Letters (Mail) | Post services
Release Date: 1949-10-10
Size: 44 x 29 mm
Color: orange-brown | blue
Designers: Vasily Zavyalov
Format: Stamp
Edition: Memorable (Jubilee)
Perforation: linear12½
Printing: Phototype
Nominal value: 40 penny. 50 penny.
Circulation: 430 000